Well just to add some perspective... I still have the Rhea and I still find it most satisfying. Soon the Rhea will be back from Jim White and friends as a Signature upgraded version. It has been a long wait and a lot of pennies banked in the cookie jar to make it happen, but it is a good investment in gear that proven itself so clearly.
And as fate would have it, my pal, Andy of Vintage tube Services just sent me for consideration the most beautiful quad of Amperex 12AX7's I have ever experienced in my first gain stage. They are true NOS, perfectly matched, and DEAD quiet, as (almost) no one but Andy seems to come up with! These should last a life time of excellent musical enjoyment. So one might ask when evaluating a cost/pleasure consideration, are vintage tubes worth it... just go ahead and guess whether or not I returned these old dusty valves?!
and consider a semi-conductor phono stage?...in my house?...not so much.
Happy Listening!