How To Store Record Collection?

Currently storing vinyl collection (1,700 albums) on Metro metal wire shelves. Looking for recommendations for bookcases, shelving systems, cubes, etc. Particularly interested if anyone has tried the Cubitec modular system? Trying to decide whether to go with off the shelf furniture or have built-in units constructed.

I've read that albums weight approximately 40lbs. per linear foot. Does anyone know if this is accurate?

An interesting link to how vinyl records are made - RTI

I think you're going to like those. I made my own clones of Tony's crates and I really like them. The way they lock together makes for a very sturdy stack and they move quite easily without havint to take the records out. I haven't made a base or cap 'cuz I'm getting ready to make some more. I'm still working on a good concept for storing my ceedees.
Dan thanks for the feedback. I haven't bought them yet, Tony's just back from vacation, but they seem like a good solution. BTW, I have a killer way to finish them (no drying time involved, available at Ace) Email me separately for the info.

Finish? We don't need no stinkin' finish!

Maybe when I put a cabinet with them.
Heh, heh. I already own the Ikea Expidit piece and am using it for something else. After reading Rushton's suggestion, I took an LP upstairs to see if it would fit the IKEA piece..voila!, perfect. I'm going to the Ikea website to order one right now. Thanks Rushton for your suggestion.
Thanks everybody for the input. Haven't made up my mind yet. When I'm finished I'll post pictures of the new room.