my tt skips

My tt skips and I own mostly new albums. I checked the tracking force with a gauge and the anti-skip is set to the same as the tracking force. It is an AR EB101 w/original arm and rega elys cart. I dont use thicker vinyl 180-200 grams. Do I need to oil the arm or set something? I am new to vinyl, my first tt. Any help would be greatly appreciated.....
Dear Triangle: There will be some problems that you could have: the resonance frequency between your tonearm and the cartridge is really out of range ( 8 to 12Hz ), feedback from your speakers, vibrations from your rack/plataform TT, tonearm bearing out of work, tonearm antiskating out of work, faulty cartridge suspension, oil damping? etc, etc. You have to check all around.

You can check with other cartridge, with and with out antiskating, with and with out oil damping, etc, etc.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I had a similar problem. I finally determined that the bearing was bad. In my case it required me to buy another arm to make the determination (after trying everthing else I could think of including lubing the bearing). I'm not sure if there's any other means to do so other than having a repair shop look at it. So you'll proably want to listen to other's inputs and try all other approaches such as Raul's above.
I had a similar issue with my table, and my suspended floor actually turned out to be the culprit. This was only when someone moved slightly near the table. Eventually instead of tiptoeing through life, I had floor jacks installed in the room below and directly beneath my audio rack. It sounds like your problem is more often than just moving near the table, but I thought you should at least be aware of my issue.