Anybody familiar with the Tandberg TD 310 Cassette

I'm looking for a good cassette player. A Tandberg TD 310 is available for a pretty good price- much less than the Nakamichi's I've seen. Any advice?
I have a Tandberg 440A, I think that is a better choice in terms of quality and reliability.

However, IMO NAKs are hard to beat. I have had several and still own a 550, 480, and 680ZX.
Well I think I'll probably hold off on this Tandberg and keep looking. Thanks again for the comments.
Nakamichi decks have one problem: tapes recorded on them will have rolled-off high frequencies when played on other decks, and you may have some dynamic range compression. When played on Nakamichi decks, however, they will be excellent. If you are recording for others, or for your car, or if you don't want to be dependent on always having a Nak, then buy something else.

The Tandberg TCD series are all excellent, and they were for the most part much more robust transports than all Naks other than the 700 and 1000. Until the 420/440, they didn't have quite the high frequency extension of the Nakamichis, but close.

A Harmon Kardon CD491 is a very fine sounding recorder, but in general you can expect recurring electro-machanical problems.
