Recommended cartridge for SME V arm

I'm looking for recommendations under $1,000. I primarily listen to jazz, with some loud rock, i.e. Neil Young.

My system is Avalon Eidolons, Sota table, small Goldmund electronics.

Reliability is important to me.

I appreciate your suggestions.

Both great suggestions - I would add a dynavector 17D mkII to your considerations, it comes new for less than $1000, and works well with SME arms.
My friend has the high end Clear Audio signature I think on his arm....pretty nice sounding.
I have the SME V with the Benz LP and it is a perfect match. There is a great harmony in the pair.
I have the SME V with Benz LP and it is a great match, excellant tone quality and lots of depth to all of the tonal ranges
