Adding damping fluid to Audioquest PT arms ????


I am wondering about adding damping fluid to my Audioquest arm, mine is the PT6 model.

First I'm wondering what fluid/oil to buy and where for a fair price ?

Second how do you get it in and out of the little brass bowl without making a mess ?

Thirdly, do you have to remove the fluid eveytime you move the table, I'm talking within the house, such as off my rack, and on to a table to work on for instance.

Forth, do you have to readjust tracking force or other settings if you use the damping ? I read you can adjust the amount of damping by how tight you screw the oil welll cover on ? Is there a correct damping amount ? I will be using a Clearaudio Aurum Beta MkII cartridge.

Thanks in advance for any help,

According to the Elusive Disc's website, the Expressimo Heavyweight for the AQ PT Arms is still available.
I just ordered one for myself! :-) Reckon I'll give it a try, and see if it offers an improvement on my Arm. Mark
Wayne/all This is from from the manual, and specifically pertains to damping:

Medium Mass, Adjustable damping allows higher effective mass and/or use of Cartridges without internal damping (Such as Decca and Grado)

The AQ PT-6/7/8 features optional viscous damping.Damping allows the arm to behave as though it has additional mass at higher frequencies without affecting the moving mass at low frequencies. Too much weight, or resistance would prevent an arm from following the groove as it moves. On the other hand, behaving like a heavier arm at higher frequencies prevents the movement of the stylus tracing the groove from affecting the tonearm. Damping allows the PT-6/7/8 to provide a proper platform for almost every type of cartridge.

Not all Cartridges need damping. You may experiment to determine whether damping will improve your sound. The Large bearing Cover easily unscrews. Place a SMALL amount of the enclosed damping fluid in the chamber, and replace the Bearing Cover. If you fill the little cup. most of the fluid will spill out when the ball under the bearing cover fits into the cup. You can easily clean out the cup that holds the damping fluid if you decide to use less, or no damping.
Hope this helps you, Mark
Mark, thanks for the info. I have read some of what you have written. Did you keep the damping, or empty the "bowl"

Hi Wayne, To tell the truth, when I got my Table, and arm back in '96, the first thing I did was add the Damping Fluid to the well.

I added just enough through trial and error till I seen the resovoir full enough to see the fluid just contact the little dimple on the well cover, and that was it.

Honestly, I haven't looked in there since, and who knows, it may have dried up? (or turned to glue!) lol

Since I'm using the Benz Glider, it was probably something I didn't need with this particular cartridge, and the arm may perform better without it? Only one way to find out I reckon. None the less, the arm, and tracking abilities with torture test tracks have performed well, with no problems. From what I understand the Glider is a great tracking cartridge, so probably whatever I do with my arm probably don't have any ill effect one way, or the other.

I may decide to empty it soon for the heck of it.
In a few days, I should have my Expressimo Tonearm Weight, so maybe at this time, I'll go over the arm, and sponge the old oil out for good? Mark

Or, maybe check it and add some back in and see the results ?? Let me know. Also let me know how hard you find it to setup the arm with the Heavy Weight. I found it a bit hard to get the right balance as easy, and also the the tracking force. I found it difficult to get small incremental moves to make small changes.
