Adding damping fluid to Audioquest PT arms ????


I am wondering about adding damping fluid to my Audioquest arm, mine is the PT6 model.

First I'm wondering what fluid/oil to buy and where for a fair price ?

Second how do you get it in and out of the little brass bowl without making a mess ?

Thirdly, do you have to remove the fluid eveytime you move the table, I'm talking within the house, such as off my rack, and on to a table to work on for instance.

Forth, do you have to readjust tracking force or other settings if you use the damping ? I read you can adjust the amount of damping by how tight you screw the oil welll cover on ? Is there a correct damping amount ? I will be using a Clearaudio Aurum Beta MkII cartridge.

Thanks in advance for any help,


Or, maybe check it and add some back in and see the results ?? Let me know. Also let me know how hard you find it to setup the arm with the Heavy Weight. I found it a bit hard to get the right balance as easy, and also the the tracking force. I found it difficult to get small incremental moves to make small changes.

Wayne, I'm getting the impression that the Expressimo weight bears no mechanical resemblence to the original, and that it only slides, and then locks with an Allen Screw?

If so, I can then understand the difficulty of attaining first balance, and then the proper tracking weight.

It should be here before the weekend, and I'll probably tackle it during some free time on the weekend.
I'll just have to keep telling myself "have patience", and one always should be in a happy mood when doing such fiddly procedures as this! :-)
I'll keep you all posted as to the results. Mark
Hi Wayne, I had figured it had to use some sort of clamping with screw because of its teardrop shape, and couldn't see how it could rotate on the CW Shaft due to this oblong design.

I'll bet it is a bugger getting the correct VTF. Hopefully my meager Shure VTF Gauge will be up to the task of again acquiring a similar VTF with my Glider, and most importantly hope that I don't in any way damage the Cantilever-Stylus by the repeated fiddling.