Help search for a phono stage that fits my system

Dear All,
Here are my components:
1)Preamp linestage: Conrad/johnson CT5
2)Amp: McCormack DNA500
3)Speakers: Andra II
5)Digital: McCormack UPD1, Deluxe ( very nice redbook)
6)Cables: Acoustic Zen
7)Analog: VPI Super Scoutmaster with signature arm w/ Dynavector Karat cartridge.

I am looking for a nice phono stage that can be optimized with my system and flexible enough to accept a wide variety of cartrides. I just bought the Conrad/Johnson,CT5, and have been thinking about buying their matching phono stage, premier 15 which retails for 5K, but the question is can I do better at that price or LESS?At the moment, I am using the dynavector 17D Karat. Please take a look at my system and give me some recommendations. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xginas
I have a Benz L2 cartridge rated at 0.3mV. I'm using a Hagerman Trumpet (MM only) with a K&K Audio (Lundahl) step-up transformer. The step-up allows for multiple gain and load (you can plug and play resistors freely with no soldering) configurations to suit all catridges. Had I not gotten a deal on the Hagerman, I would have gone for the K&K Audio phonostage. Kevin Carter is great to work with and designs and builds quality gear. I just had him build me a custom TVC preamp and am very happy with the results. I may yet get his phonostage to compare against the Trumpet. If you're inclined towards tubes these are two good options in the $1600 - $2300 range that will test well against higher priced competition.
I am currently using a CD92T, and it replaced a Cambridge CD500SE. In my system, I’ve found the Arcam to provide a more linear presentation; with significant improvements in the frequency extremes. The Cambridge was a bit too loose in the bass for me; whereas the CD92T is tighter and more resolved….cello and acoustic bass sound more like a bow across strings with the Arcam, rather than the indistinct drone that came from my Cambridge.

That said, some might prefer the rounded, warmer presentation of the Cambridge or the Rega players; which roll off the top end a bit. As with everything else, it depends on what you’re after and how it gels with the rest of your system.
If you could go alittle higher, the Manley Steelhead is a simply awe-inspiring tube phono stage. As good as it gets.

Also, my compliments on your mating of a tubed CJ pre-amp with the DNA500. Perfect match of tube and SS attributes.
You might want to look at the Aesthetix Rhea. It's enormously flexible as to loading and allows up to 3 cartridges in simoultaneously as well as 2 or 3 line out for multi system use. It also sounds great and falls into your price range.


Mine seems to chew through tubes, gettin noisy with time. I've seen other posts to similar effect. My unit is currently back with Aesthetix for a full check up and due back in a couple of weeks, at which time I can share Jim White's findings. Hopefully Jim can let me know whether the tube consumption and subsequent noise issues are due to some other problem with my unit or are inherent to the design.