Roy,as a Temper-V owner,I was curious to get info on this,as well.I know a fellow "poster",named Karl Heinz claims to own one.
I have asked him,on his "audio system" threads,to please give a description,if possible,yet he has not responded.
I also asked the dealer,who sold me the (wonderful,btw)Temper-V for some kind of info,but even he could not come up with anything.Frustrating,but what else is new,in the world of "high end audio"?
My reason for interest is obvious,yet my current Temper-V has few hours on it,and is really a "killer" cartridge in my Graham 2.2("sorry Dougy" -:).
However, past opgrades in the Transfiguration line,from my dealer,has only cost me the re-tip costs,for a completely new cartridge.Hence,my interest!!
I also have a good friend,owning a Temper-V(2.2 ,and "Toto too"),who would move with me,if I could get some darn info,on this supposedly new cartridge!
What gives,anyone??????
I have asked him,on his "audio system" threads,to please give a description,if possible,yet he has not responded.
I also asked the dealer,who sold me the (wonderful,btw)Temper-V for some kind of info,but even he could not come up with anything.Frustrating,but what else is new,in the world of "high end audio"?
My reason for interest is obvious,yet my current Temper-V has few hours on it,and is really a "killer" cartridge in my Graham 2.2("sorry Dougy" -:).
However, past opgrades in the Transfiguration line,from my dealer,has only cost me the re-tip costs,for a completely new cartridge.Hence,my interest!!
I also have a good friend,owning a Temper-V(2.2 ,and "Toto too"),who would move with me,if I could get some darn info,on this supposedly new cartridge!
What gives,anyone??????