As I've learned-garnered information from others who are certainly more wise, and experienced than I am, the consensus seems to be that any type of tweak platform-material placed between the Turntable, and Rack-Stand will make a difference audibly.
Now whether that difference will be beneficial, or detrimental may vary in every single instance-application.
Hypothetical instances would be that perhaps one person notes a great improvement using a Sand Filled Base, or a Base with Air Bladders, with no detriment to clear mids, and highs. Another-others may find that the Sand Base-Air Base has perhaps ruined-or I should for a better term "Diminished" these above mentioned qualities of their Table.
There's so many things one can try without necessarily breaking the bank. If the Table isn't quite so heavy, maybe just two sheets of MDF with a cheap piece of fine bubble Bubble Wrap in between may make a notable improvement for isolation. Tennis Balls, Ball Bearings, Maple Butcher Block Bases, etc etc.
From an engineering standpoint, it seems to me that many table, and stand manufacturers seem to get a synergistic benefit-improvement with the use of sandwiching dissimilar materials. Things like Cork, Sorbothane Sheets, MDF-Stone, the material list is almost endless.
And then the final aspect can be appearance, and beauty.
Most high end systems are usually displayed-used in one's best room of the house. One crazy example might be taking a brand new VPI TNT-HRX Table, and have it sitting on four $2 Cinder Blocks from the Home Supply Yard. While the the Cinder Block may make an audible improvement, it certainly won't do much to compliment the beauty-aesthetics of a $10,000.00+ Turntable System. Mark
Now whether that difference will be beneficial, or detrimental may vary in every single instance-application.
Hypothetical instances would be that perhaps one person notes a great improvement using a Sand Filled Base, or a Base with Air Bladders, with no detriment to clear mids, and highs. Another-others may find that the Sand Base-Air Base has perhaps ruined-or I should for a better term "Diminished" these above mentioned qualities of their Table.
There's so many things one can try without necessarily breaking the bank. If the Table isn't quite so heavy, maybe just two sheets of MDF with a cheap piece of fine bubble Bubble Wrap in between may make a notable improvement for isolation. Tennis Balls, Ball Bearings, Maple Butcher Block Bases, etc etc.
From an engineering standpoint, it seems to me that many table, and stand manufacturers seem to get a synergistic benefit-improvement with the use of sandwiching dissimilar materials. Things like Cork, Sorbothane Sheets, MDF-Stone, the material list is almost endless.
And then the final aspect can be appearance, and beauty.
Most high end systems are usually displayed-used in one's best room of the house. One crazy example might be taking a brand new VPI TNT-HRX Table, and have it sitting on four $2 Cinder Blocks from the Home Supply Yard. While the the Cinder Block may make an audible improvement, it certainly won't do much to compliment the beauty-aesthetics of a $10,000.00+ Turntable System. Mark