The Isolator: the latest rip-off?

Any opinions on "The Isolator" which appears to have about 25 cents worth of material, selling for $150.00?
Plinthly speaking,NO!It was not feasable!
As to Herb and the "defunct from my further business dealer",Herb was TOTALLY saddened and upset!Big time!
The "spacer" was actually a work of art.Really well done,and a serious little piece of engineering,yet the added mass always bothered me.One reason there is NO shot I'll ever try this new "schmageggie" tweak,as mentioned here!
Dear friends: I'm a little confuse here about the Isolator use in favor of better ( I can't say for sure it is better. I'm sure is diferent but this not means BETTER ) quality sound reproduction: I have no doubts of what several people are hearing with the Isolator and I'm asking me:

the cartridge manufacturer makes his design thinking to offer his best about, he selected the best cartridge material parts, he build careful each by one cartridge, he tested each one in one-two or more tonearms, he tailored the suspension to a specific sound, he try that the frequency response stay at least between 1db from 20 to 20K, etc, etc. He do the whole critical job WITHOUT ANY ISOLATOR like device and we destroy that delicate job ( what the designer wants to share with us ) using an Isolator: I really can't understand our attitude about.

Can any one explain it?

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul, don't be confused. You are in the money-makes-the-world-go-round-section now. This Isolator removes - or reduces - the mechanical vibrations which are sent through the Arm Tube.
Well, I think, it is too cheap. And ugly.
I would prefer this unit in Piano black finish for let's say $380,--. No wait, some japanese signs in gold paint a la Koetsu, yes, that's it, then it's worth $500,--.
But when I am honest, no I will wait for the wood edition, made from Grenadine, or from a Billard Queue Wood, or a Tree, which is 2000 years old and was found beside a grave of old Elephants. Yes, that's it: The 1K Isolator
Or how a about a Signature Version of it? Please, do it and may I have the no. 007/100 please?

Ups, I woke up, I was dreaming...
Or not?

I found an old carrot in the refrigerator. It is serial no. 003 of 1 x 10^58. It's yours for 5,000EUR + shipping and insurance.

You've got 24 hours, otherwise it's going on ebay.

P.S. Almost forgot to mention, it's VG++++!
Dear Thomas: You are rigth. I don't have to worried about. The name of the game: " let the people dance ".

Oh!!, don't loose the Doug's garrot!!!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.