ARTICLE -Teens say they prefe vinyl to CDs

The below is a link to a story about teen's musical preference. Cool to see that the young ones arent blinded by the ipod. (Im 23 so that last statement may be a bit hypocritical). Anyway, check out the article.
Like 4yanx I have actual evidence based on 2 kids who went out and bought analog systems on their own and regularly acquire vinyl (they also have cd's, ipods etc.). Mostly they acquire the real cheap stuff from used record stores but I was surprised to find that the reggae/ska/rock bands they follow and whose shows they attend also sell LP's. Records have also allowed them to explore 60's and 70's rock on the cheap. In fact they now have more albums from that period than I did growing up in it. It's really strange listening to your son play Pink Floyd or Beatles albums that you grew up on 40 years ago.
One big difference from us is that to them it's all about the music not the sound. Kids seem to be into the music in whatever format makes it "musical" for them.
I do much of my music shopping in a college town, and I regularly see younger folks browsing the LP bins. But the average age of LP buyers is much, much higher than the average age of CD buyers in that shop.
I actually downloaded the whole article using the electronic journals subscribtions of the University library here. I still have to read it, but so far I would be pretty skeptical about this "research".

Drop me a line if anyone would like the pdf of the article.

I think that is on the same level as teens in classic cars. A type of status symbol.