Optimal loading for Dynavector xx2

Hi - I have just bought a Dynavector xx2 cartridge, loading it with the recommended 30 Ohm setting, but I have read that 40 Ohm is better suited for this cartridge, any recommendation of where is the right setting?

Thanks !

If you increase the loading to a higher value over 100 ohms, then the higher frequency signals will even favour more in terms of dB output level.

I advise you compare the two settings of 50 ohms with 150 ohms, side by side and report back with further results.
Flg2001: I agree with Xlr8or (based on what you said re: balance toward high frequency) and therefore want to revise my original recommendations.

I would start lower, maybe as low as 40 ohms or sufficiently low to hear "enough-but-poor-quality-bass." "Enough" means loud enough. "Poor quality" means boomy, muddy, bloated. Then add resistance just 10 ohms at a time (because your range from lowest to highest is so small) until the bass tightens up but still maintains good volume level. That's where you want to be.
Please don´t laugh!!! :)

I went back to my phono preamp and tried the 50 Ohm "setting", different presentation but still funny sounding. Then placed the DIP switched for 150 Ohms and, while different sound, still got a non-convincing result.

Then. I noticed that I was assuming (+) the positions marked OPEN in the DIP switch bank... called a friend and informed me that CLOSED is (+), not OPEN.!!!!!!

You were right!! 100 Ohms sounds better!!!!

Thanks for your help.
