whats the best styus cleaner gel

considering a gel to clean the stylus of my new cartridge.The choice is between zerodust and extreme phono. Any opinions as to how good either of these works. Also any problems?
I have been using the zerodust for 2.5 years with great results for day to day use. I still from time to time like to use my brush cleaner.

I would also like to point out that Riffer is cleaning it wrong. I remove the gell from the little box and wash it very gently in mild soap. I then blot the back of it dry with a paper towel and air dry the top. Mine comes back good as new 2.5 years later.

I can't comment on the extreem phono product.
You can also simply wipe the Zerodust with an alcohol swab/pad, without removing it from its case, and it'll be ready to go in about 20 sec. (when the alcohol evaporates.)
There is a much less expensive alternative that I've found works very well: Museum Gel. You can buy a fairly good sized jar for about $10.
in use the brush after each side and the gel after each listening session.

can't comment on any other but I'm guessing they are pretty much the same so go for the cheapest.

I have heard of some who use Magic Eraser, they take the gel out and use that. another suggestion i've swiped from another poster is below. the guy who i stole this from is adamant about stylus hygeine.

Go buy a mouse pad with the sorbathane-like wrist protection pad.
Open the plastic covering over the pad and remove the inner "jelly"
Cut into squares and keep the hard backing on the bottom attached...twice the size of sugar cubes seems good.
Lower stylus on wait thirty seconds and viola all dirt gone.
There is no residue as it doesn't cling to the stylus.
When it gets dirty go rinse in distilled water and clean with dry cloth without removing fibres...such as a microfibre clothe.
Keep in sealed container or in Gladwarp to avoid drying out.
It lasts for ever........give the other pieces to friends
My friends and I have been using for years with no ill effects
Microscopy reveals no residue or sound degradation
Crazy, cheap...but true.
Zerodust. I love it. Don't overclean it, though! The "goo" deposits are localized. Keep dipping the stylus into a "fresh" spot. You'll get long life that way. You - and your stylus.

Keep smilin' and keep playin' vinyl.