SOTA Nova vs SME 20/2

I currently own a Sota Nova series 5 with cosmos armboard (circa 1999) with an SME V tonearm recently serviced along with internal wiring upgrade at SME in England. Cart is Benz Micro Ruby2 H. Long story short, i am seriously considering replacing the Sota with a new SME 20/2. I would keep the SME V and mount it on the 20/2 along with the Ruby2. I was also considering the SME model 10 but i do not feel this would be a significant upgrade over the Sota hence going to the 20/2 makes more sense. I have also considered the Cosmos but i am really leaning toward the SME tables now. Before the Nova i owned a Star Saphire. I've been a Sota owner for almost 20 years. I have read rave reviews from around the audio world on all 3 SME models 10-20-30. Would appreciate any thoughts or comments anyone may have. Just want to make sure i am going in the right direction. I believe i am.....Sly
Personally I believe your mind is made up.That being said,the latest Cosmos is in another league from past Sota products(including ALL previous Cosmos tables).The latest Sotas are manufacturered to much better tolerances than all previous models,and the newest Cosmos series III has been further updated,but Sota is SO low key that they don't bother to tout it.The SME's are wonderful tables,but the latest Cosmos competes with anything at,or way above it's price point.And the vacuum is greatly improved,where there is little competition, affording that very important feature.

Best of luck!
I have onwed SOTA tables for 10 years now, first a Star Series III and now a Nova Series V. I know their are many other fine tables out there but my next upgrade will be to a Cosmos. I'm SOTA all the way.
I own a SME 20/2. I wish I could offer advice on comparions to SOTA's for you. I love my SME 20/2. I've owned for 4 years now. I have 2 friends that both own Walker's. Of course the Walker is better, but I really have a killer system and my friends really love listening to that SME.

I think either table is hard to beat. Good luck !
My used sapphire gave me so much enjoyment that nervosa hit hard and I recently took the plunge and am upgrading to the Cosmos.

The SME looks and must be killer good.

I know that Paul Seydor has had both in his system. Maybe try to contact him through absolute sound or asylum critic forum and maybe he can give you some nuance.

I suspect the SME may edge it out but I know he admires SOTA stuff.

Either way, in my book, you win.

Happy Listening