Anybody heard Galibier or JC Verdier turntables?

I have finally narrowed my selection to these two turntables. HELP!!!!!!
Wondering if I could get some feedback on these turntables. Does anybody own these and or have any first hand experience. I am driving myself NUTS trying to decide between these two tables. The two tables are:

Galibier GAVIA or the JC Verdier LA PLATINE

I agree with Bigbuck,JC Verdier TT is simple design and easy to set,not much maintanance and looks good.It sound very good compare with other TT with the price range.I think it is selling on Audiogon with the user name Buyersum.I bought the TT from him.You won,t disappointed with that beauty.
Arthur Salvatore recommends the Verdier La Platine here: with some insights
I own a Galibier Gavia (but with the older Teflon/aluminum platter), and I have been very pleased with its sound quality and reliability.

I have heard the Platine Verdier a number of times but not in my own system or in a comparison with the Galibier. It is clearly a good sounding table also, and it's been around for practically forever. That should count for something.

There are two aspects about the PV that would lead me to choose the Galibier over it. First, the Galibier is powered by battery, whereas the PV has a wall-powered DC supply. I have tried it both ways and the battery makes a significant improvement in detail and dynamics. I understand there are some after-market battery arrangements for the PV, in England I believe, but you're on your own there. Second, I believe the Galibier's tape drive provides better speed stability than the string used in the PV.

I think that either table, if set up carefully, is capable of superb vinyl playback. You really can't go wrong with either one.

Hope this helps.

The PV does not, IME, have quite the dynamic strength and punch that a Galibier is likely to have. My Teres 320 has more PRaT than a PV, for exactly the same reasons Salectric named (tape drive vs. silk thread). Belt stability and grip make a huge difference in lifelike reproduction from LP's.

Battery power is also a benefit. It lowers the noise floor and removes any 60Hz leakage that could affect absolute speed stability in the motor. This too is audible in a good system, though less so than belt differences IME.

OTOH, that zero-friction PV bearing has some benefits. It ought to last literally forever, as BigBucks5 already pointed out. The bearing in a Galibier or Teres does support a lot of weight, and they definitely do not last forever. (Trust me.)

OTOOH, the floating PV bearing alters the platter height depending on record weight. If you're the set-and-forget type for arm height you might find this "self-adjusting" record height rather annoying. If you set SRA for every LP, as I do, it might not be such a big deal since you'll be adjusting arm height anyway.

Ah, for the perfect turntable. Maybe I should just learn to sing and play the violin. :-)
I too own a Verdier Platine. I love it. I agree with everything said above about it. I can't compare it to Galibier because I've never heard one. I use a Harmonix mat and clamp system on the platter. My tonearm is a DaVinci 12" with a Dynavector XV-1s.