Anybody heard Galibier or JC Verdier turntables?

I have finally narrowed my selection to these two turntables. HELP!!!!!!
Wondering if I could get some feedback on these turntables. Does anybody own these and or have any first hand experience. I am driving myself NUTS trying to decide between these two tables. The two tables are:

Galibier GAVIA or the JC Verdier LA PLATINE

Thanks Dan,

Exactly my take on this. At some point, the forces equalize.

What really amazed me was how similar the rate of this dimple formation was - between materials so disparate as brass, stainless, and Delrin.

Limited computer access this week from Ottawa (nice town).

Thom @ Galibier
please explain the new direct drive comment:
"Chris, of Teres, is orgainizing an open house the night of the 13th and has told us he'll have a new direct drive offering as the top-o'-the-line Teres." Is it a Teres direct drive instead of belt drive?
Thom, aren't you supposed to be studying or something? :)

Nghiep, if you go to the third page of the recent thread "Is direct drive really better?" and read the first post from Teres and then my post right after and you'll understand.
If Teres direct drive has a wooden platter then it is something really special. A direct drive turntable with 20 lbs lead loaded wooden platter is an 21st century marvelous turntable design indeed. I tried to use a 6 lbs wooden platter on a Technics SP-25 turntable and it sounded musical but lack of image and focus. It did have terrible flutter problem. The flutter also caused additional vibrations/distortions to the stylus and tonearm bearing support. It's like a tiny version of an DJ scratching the record.