Is there a 3g. anti-skate weight for Graham arms?

Wally M. claimed that the anti-skate weight that comes with the Graham 2.0-2.2 is a bit too heavy at around 6g. He told me that he could get a lighter one from Bob Graham at 3g. Has anyone know if this is true? Wally never sent me my weight. Has anyone found the stock weight to be too heavy, and beyond adjustment?
What I meant about the little set screw is exactly what you are alluding to Zargon.Set the weight anywhere you/one wants and lock it.Simple.I'm specifically talking about the little(tiny)screw in the weight,itself.This will give more flexibility to those wanting to go beyond the boundaries of the indentations.

I understand the point of the above msg's. My main objective was to find out if anyone else using a Graham 2 and Wally's tools had a similar conversation with Wally. My conversation wit Wally was >/= 2 years ago and at that time it made sense what he said. If I remember right his comments were something about the weight being too heavy even moved to the top. Whether there was a Benz Ruby cantilever factor in there as well I cannot quite remember.
I'm very late to the party... my graham 2.0 with 2.2 bearing cap gave me too much anti sskating as measured with a wallytool with a koetsu rosewood sig and the standard antiskate weight all the way up the shaft to minimize. Got a lighter weight from graham which caused an acceptable wallytool outcome.