Kondo audio Note MC Step up Transformer

I would like to get some information about this unit, Sound quality etc. I never listened to one of those expensive transformers, only to cheaper ones ( max. 1k$ ) and at the end of day I always went back to my regular Phono Stage ( Klyne 7 ) but probably there is additional info out there. I know, some like transformers, some avoid them whenever possible. I had some discussions with a few audiophiles and the result is like rolling a dice. Some say, it is a must, some own a few and sell them to go for a good phono stage ....
So I ask for the Kondo, because I think, that's the most expensive one out there, it is available for lots of years now and I think, it is quite successful. Or do the Japanese have a different kind of listening?
Info welcome.
Thank you.
There are other step-ups that you may consider and my be just as good or better.
DaVinci Audio makes one, but very expensive and allows impedance changes.
Shindo Labs makes one also, but they are intended for their SPU's.
Also Auditorium 23 makes several that are good.
If you can find an Expressive Technologies SU-1, it is very good.
I will be listening to many of these this coming weekend.

Some step-ups are a try and see basis if it sounds good with you cart as some are voiced to sound a certain way with some carts.

I use AN UK M8 pre with phono and S8 stepup. Sounds great. I did get a chance to compare the latest Kondo stepup and the AN UK S8 was better. There is a lot of synergy using the pre and stepup with the .05 output AN cartridge.
Khak8...I also had a chance to compare a current Kondo SFZ step-up into an M77 with an AN-UK S8 and the Kondo SFZ was FAR better in that system. Most likely system and cartidge dependant. (BTW was using the IO-j 0.15mV Kondo cartridge...what a treat!)
i bought my Kondo (sf6cz) step up before i got my IO-J cart. it made a world of difference on my old Crown Jewel & then my Koetsu.now i use it on the IO-J into my air tight
ate-2 (mm phono stage)& it sounds amazing.
I know for a fact that the ANUK AN-S8 comes specifically load matched for the ANUK IO line of cartridges. They only made the S8 in the low or 1 ohm impedence configuration. That means the S8 will likely best all others when using an ANUK IO cartridge with it. I understand that Kondo also load matches his step up for exclusive use with the IO-J, but its somewhat adjustable at the same time. I have been told that when you make a step up adjustable you lose something through all the switches and all the additional leadout wire and taps. For the best sound a step up should be made to handle one kind of load. You lose versatility for sure, but for better sound who cares?