Which would you choose to isolate your turntable?

Choosing between MinusK, Vibraplane or Critical Mass System, which would you prefer? Or is there a superior alternative?
First , I just picked up Critical Mass as a line for my company as I am in the initial stages of cherry picking lines for my new business Rainwater Audio . I pick lines I want to own in my reference system . My thoughts are that if the lines are good enough to satisfy me then they should appeal to others with good systems as well. My comments should be taken for what you feel they are worth. Having traversed through the minefields of isolation I have come to realize how important vibration control is . I have great respect for many of the companies out there as I personally own nearly a dozen lines that I have in 3 systems at this stage. David Elrod of Elrod power systems is a genuine person in audio and I listen with respect when he speaks. At CES , I went to the Elrod , Joule Electra , Critical Mass room at the Alexis. Both Mr Barber as well as David spoke very highly of Critical Mass isolation platforms. When I settled in back home I researched the company . Joe Lavrencik owner designer was pretty hush hush about the design but offered to let me try 2 Master Reference Platforms for my Conrad Johnson LP 140 monoblocs. Packed very well and beautiful built , I placed them in the system and heard nothing . I had replaced top of the line Sistrum for these. It actually sounded worse than the Sistrum . I called Joe and he said to wait 160 hours for break in . He explained that since the component sits on the :inner: platform , I should expect it to " settle " . I was told that the sonics would swing wildly and I possibly might have to adjust toe in of the sppeakers as a result. I have been to new Orleans and I know VooDoo when I hear it so I chuckled and went to the beach and when returned , there were 200 hours on the stands. That Monday I fired the system up and let it burn for a couple of hours before listening . To say I was astonished at what these platforms had done for my system would be a serious understatement. At this stage , this sounds like a pitch for the company but I am not shilling anything . I will say that the platform turns floor , airborne and component mechanical vibration into heat and dissapates it inside the platform draining it in effect if I understand him correctly . Personally , this is one of the few times I would gladly descend in to "hyperbole hell" and paint myself into a corner . They are that amazing . Every one of you that value isolation platforms owes it to yourself to try these components. He has recently made a significant improvement over earlier designs so I am told and they surpass in performance any previous model he has made up until now. I am sold completely . Brent Rainwater Rainwater Audio .
Simon Yorke recommends a 1 ton block of granite, i assume on a concrete floor. if that's not practical, a wall shelf onto brick or loadbearing wall is excellent, and personally i'd prefer that to active isolation devices like the vibraplane. That said, the Minus K is impressive indeed and a good solution if the table needs to be rack mounted. I'd still like the Minus K to sit on some mass and be decoupled though, so its not having to do too much work.
Thanks for all the responses. It sounds like both MinusK and Critical Mass have been compared to Vibraplane and both bettered it. It doesn't sound like anyone has directly compared MinusK to Critical Mass. I know that Critical Mass has three models and I don't recall where the Master Reference falls in that lineup without going back to the website for a check. I remember that the top of the line Critical Mass was more expensive than the $1800 MinusK. I didn't like hearing that the MinusK bounced all over the place and that the chassis rang. Anyone else have anything to share?

The $1,800 MinusK model (BM-6) you mentioned is their benchmarck. It's vertical and horizontal frequencies are in the neighborhood of the Vibraplane's. Since Brent Rainwater reported that Critical Mass System (CMS) is far superior to the Vibraplane, I was not even considering the BM-6. I was considering their models with better specifications: BM-1, 4, 8, and 10. However, these are much more expensive: all are between $2,300 and $3,950 (with no discounts in sight). According to the Positive Feedback Online review in issue 24, the top of the line Critical Mass' Grand Master is $1,700 (or $1,500 each for 2 or more). The middle of the line Master is $1,250 ($1,100 each for 2 or more) and the benchmark Reference is $950 ($850 each for 2 or more). These more favorable numbers, together with Brent's report persuaded me to start my upgrading with couple of the Grand Masters. If I am fortunate, perhaps I will eventually have an opportunity to compare the Grand Master to MinusK's better models.

Great Listening,
you could easily get a cut piece of granite, have them polish it, and put some damping on the bottom. mass is what does it.