Can we talk about MONO?

I have been experimenting with vinyl playback and have come across some 12" mono recordings. I am using a Santon 500 mrk II, the stylus is Blue and marked E MK II. (E for elliptical?)

One record jacket (Westminster) recommends a "microgroove stylus (.001 radius)" and RIAA equalization.

Another (RCA) mentions "New Ortophonic" equalization or A.E.S. with "bass boosted and treble reduced."

A VOX jacket recomends a .001 radius "needle", RIAA eq. and 7-10(!) gram "pickup weight"

I have three questions:
1) Is a special cartridge/stylus needed for Mono playback?
2) Should I use the Mono switch on my receiver?
3) How do we deal with non-RIAA equalization?

Any other suggestions greatly appreciated.
There are some mono carts available. I'm going to try one myself at some point. In the meantime, I do as eldartford says : push the mono button and play :-)
There are a few phono stages that can handle the various pre-1955 equalizations. The Bugle Pro, one from Graham Slee, and then I think one from KABUSA.
Another solution is to buy a vintage preamp that has the pre-RIAA curves set up on a selector switch. I bought a 1958 Scott 130 stereo preamp for my dedicated mono system. It works just fine on my pre-RIAA LPs.
I came across this "RE-EQUALIZER" unit while do some more research.

Any one using Esoteric Sound eq. units?

They also make a "Surface Noise Reducer"