Airtangent vs Kuzma airline

Just bought the JC Verdier platine and want to get a tangent tracking arm.
I have received info and I am leaning towards the Kuzma or the swedish Airtangent .
The EM-2, Airtech MG-1 and the Condustor by the cartdridge man are also in the running but their build quality aren't in the same league from what I can tell in the pictures. How good are they I really don't know.
Opinions, or any comments wound be greatly appreciated.


What cartridge did you use w. the Davinci arm? I would love to know how it will compare to the Schroder and the Airtangent on the TW Acustic. It is rare to hear you sound so excited about an arm. It truly must be special. In what ways did it excel.
Hi guys,
Maybe it's a good idea to ask Thomas Woschnik, the designer of the TW acustic tables himself, what he thinks of the difference between the various arms(TriPlanar, DaVinci, Schröder) he uses.
You can reach him under:

Frank Schröder
Actually, I did, at the Heathrow show. He said he preferred the Schroeder, and I believe he also said that was the general consensus at Munich when the table was played with 4 arms (not sure what cartridges).
Hello Edward,
The table was demoed with 4 arms in Frankfurt(not Munich), about 2 months ago. Each of them had a different cartridge and was running into a different phonostage. Only once did he compare arm cart combinations using the same phonostage. Anyone drawing definite conclusions about the quality of a single component(arm, cart or phonostage) in the chain must have Palladium ears AND beat Sherlock Holmes in deductive reasoning ;-)
The sets were chosen by Mr. Woschnik based on his previous experiences and listening bias to each make for a particularly synergistic combo.


Yes, but in this Set Up the best and most expensive Cartridge and electronics was connected to the Schroeder Arm and all other Arms had no comparable cartridges and phono stages. It was only possible to say, this or that is better or not in general.