Fellow vinyl junkies: we made the front page

Apparently we vinyl junkies are now considered "front page news". The front page of today's (5-18-06) of The Seattle Times newspaper carries an article on the resurgence of LP's and the people who collect vinyl. For more, here's the link:
Okay, can anybody explain to me, one sentence at a time, Chazzbo's post above? Sorry, I am not that good at reading comprehension.
Chazzbo, I think you have a serious case of penis envy!

Not really, but I wanted to see how many folks would read through your post to find the clues. :)
Chazzbo Hi
Please note that your posts(I read a number of them ) although contain a lot of good information are hard to read and understand.Please try to separate and come through more clear.
For the record ,English is a second language for me.
As a Fellow vinyl junkie... Sdcampbell - Many Thanx for posting this link! Chazzbo - I sense hostility but will wait for the Cliff Notes version, till then one recommendation however... Decaf maybe?