Best Record Cleaning Machine:$700-$800 range

What RCM do you think is best in the $700-$800 range? Moth, Sota, or used VPI HW17? No Nitty Gritty(?); tried one long ago and didn't seem to clean well.

Any thoughts/opinions would be appreciated.
The best RCM in this price range is to make your own. This can be done for under $100 and will work as good if not better than the commercial RDM's in this price range. If this is not an option for you then I'd say pick up a VPI 16.5. The VPI 17 is not, IMO, worth the money. Another option is to save up some more until you can get a Loricraft.
Sota makes a pretty decent machine. Everybody has has the VPI 16.5 & so do I. Don't forget the orbitrac to not allow the cleaning brush on the machine to get too dirty.
machines are nice but not necessary, i have two disc doctor brushes and cleaner, use my old platter on a lazy susan with mat, a small shop vac and 3 cotton cloths, distilled water, and 2 small bowls, wrap 1 of the cloths around a 4" vac attachment, put lp on platter, mix your disc doctor and use a small amout on 1 brush, spin lp while holding brush, take cloth 2 and wipe excess, wet other brush in bowl 1 apply to lp and spin platter, rinse brush in bowl 1 and then put in bowl 2 and hit lp again, get cloth 3 and use for getting up most of the water, get vac put on lp and spin to dry, put lps in a dish rack till all are done, takes no time and you dont spread the dirt to all of your cleaning divices, total cost, about 100.00, been doing it this way with no problems, cleaned my lps that were under katrinas flood waters for 2 week and most still play fine, i use this for new and used lps, they come out quite and clean,