Help me make the best arm-cartridge matches

I need to call on the expertise of the Audiogon analog gurus. I've recently ordered a Simon Yorke System 7 turntable with dual armboards and Koetsu Jade Platinum and Decca London Reference cartridges. The table comes with one Simon Yorke tonearm, but I'm unsure what second tonearm to purchase. Furthermore, what cartridge should I mount on which tonearm? I appreciate your help.
I am pretty sure you will enjoy your London. It has nothing to do with the old Deccas. What you need or should consider to get is a FR-66s. It not only matches the London perfectly and you are owning one of the best arms ever made, you are also able to use different cartridges due to the SME shell. I would not go for a Schroeder in your case.
Thuchan, a good response is a good response, even if it is four years after the original question was asked!

ups Bob, you are right - should look up the date of the last comment next time. Thanks for sharing