Phantom B44 vs The SME V Tone Arm

Can anyone explain to me how these 2 tonearm differ, in sound character and sound quality. This would be mounted on a SME30/2, any experienced comments are welcome.
Thank You
I'd give a call to Brooks Berdan (Brooks Berdan LTD) in Monrovia, Ca. Brooks is a well known analog guy who made a name modifyng Oracle 'tables until Oracle decided to update the 'table and incorporate the Berdan mods into stock units. He sells both arms.

FWIW, he's mentioned to me on a couple of occasions that he's not crazy about SME arms, but that they seem to work very well on SME tables. BTW, he likes the Graham a lot, but I believe he prefers the Triplanar to either the Graham or the SME.
Dear Macallan25: In my opinion there is no " best " tonearm perse. Every top high end tonearm has its own up and down strength but when you copled with a cartridge that up strength could go down or could go higher, it depend on the cartridge combination and the arm board.

To say that one tonearm or other are the " best one " is a misunderstood about.

In my long analog audio experiences ( not only because I own several tonearm/cartridges ) the best tonearm is the one that help and permit that " that " cartridge always " shine " over other tonearm combination.

Do you have any opinion about?

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul,great point mentioning the "armboard" in the "mix" with the arm/cartridge!It will definitely influence the performance of the arm/cartridge,aside from the obvious table impact!
I'm willing to bet that most table mfgrs still have not experimented with as many board material composites as they could have.As with cartridges,there lies the possibility of a wide variety of potential "perfect matches",for a specific arm and it has to be tough to for a designer to experiment with all possibilities.I'll bet there is more to come on this subject!
Dear Sirspeedy: Yes, the arm board makes an audible difference.

I think that the TT manufacturers put on all their " attention " in the TT it self with out any or at least very low interest in how crucial is its own interface with the outside world. Parts of that outside world are the tonearm/cartridge and us and our music priorities.
Some of those manufacturers don't take that responsibility and others, like Rockport and Walker, go beyond that responsibility and take decisions that, in my opinion, are and individual decision of each one of us about which tonearm we prefer: they take " our decision " and put their own tonearm!?!?!?!?!!

I think and I'm sure that in the times to come the TT manufacturers will take seriously that arm board responsibility .

Regards and enjoy the music.