K&K any comments?

I think I finally decided on the K&K Phono preamp, is there anything I should know? I plan on using a sumiko blackbird cartridge and vpi tnt turntable.
Not that it makes much difference, to me any way, but in case others bvesides Raul wondered about peripheral equipment:
Nagra VPA monos (did someone say 845's?)
Boulder 2060
Boulder 2010
Lamm L2
SME 30/2 w/SMW V/Koetsu Rosewood Signature
Basis 2800 Signature w/Schroeder Reference/Van den Hul Frog
Cello (Grand Masters, I think, need ot double check)

So, this is not MY systems, but IO wish it was - decidedly one on which a piece could be objectively assessed, anyway.

At any rate, I hope everyone enjoys their music this weeekend.
4yanx, Dan,

For the record, while I do have Zu Druids on a second system and did listen to the K&K there, my evaluation and comments of record were in the context of the higher resolution Zu Definitions I have on my primary system. Dan, I'd be happy to discuss both Zu speakers in detail with you. You're welcome to send email with your questions.

4yanx: You're right, many circa 1975 phono sections of preamps were better than separate phono preamps on the market today, but none had the dynamic life and projection, combination of transients + tone that are possible now with better components and more evolved understanding of what the cartridge is handing the pre. Most circa 1975 phono sections were pleasingly euphonic compared to the better higher-accuracy phono stages available now which also benefit from being discrete, with their own power supplies. My 70s reference is not uncomplimentary, merely descriptive for those of us who owned that generation of equipment then -- Audio Research SP3a-1, for instance.

I wouldn't try current Russian 6922s in the K&K, but the NOS tubes I cited are quite robust, especially the German Post CCa. I experienced no problems while I had those tubes in the circuit. Perhaps the K&K would have truncated their tube life if used long-term. I was experimenting, so willing to accept that risk. Oh, I also tried the K&K into a Django TVC with fully baked S&Bs. Still no change in basic signature.

Druids and Definitions have some distinct differences. If you heard Druids and did not care for them, that reaction may not apply to Defnitions. Again, my eval is in the Definition context.

As for my sonic vocabularly, it expresses what is meaningful to me. I fully recognize that I may not be describing sound to the prevailing AA/S'phile/HiFi+ standards.

Fair enough, Phil. I can appreciate what you've said, if not share in your point of view. The exception might be the generalization of 70's equipment because I was there in those days, too, and a bit before! ;) I would agree that there is benefit in a separate power supply. BTW, I've taken my shots for not being "prevailing", too.
Hi Dan: Congratulations for your Galibier!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.
Phil said: "He asked. Not raining on the parade."

Actually, his question was "is there anything I should know".

Enjoy your K&K Pedrillo. Please let me know what you think of it. I'm in the market for a phono stage upgrade.