Aesthetix Io Sig vs Manley Steelhead-opinions pls

Has anyone compared these two phono stages and if so could give me your opinions/comparisons/preferences please.
It so happens that on the wall of my office, I have a Chinese letter painting that depicts the Chinese name bestowed upon me by my friend who created it, in black inkbrush. The white background is printer paper from Staples. Wonder how THAT sounds. Sorry this is off-topic.
I think you might be pushing the analogy a little too far. :^)

The point is that the white space between the brush strokes is as important as the brush strokes themselves to the aesthetic appeal of the overall painting.
For me, the 'empty' space between the sound of the images on the soundstage is as important as the sound of the images themselves to the aesthetic appeal of the overall presentation.

Here is a case in point: I can set the VTA and VTF on my arm such that my system can present a near perfect holographic reproduction of a violin. I can also alter the VTA and VTF such that the image of the violin is not nearly as distinct but now I can 'see' the violinist, the expression on her face, and the room she is playing in. Most visitors are more impressed by the former but I prefer the latter.
I think I do know what you mean; it's one thing that vinyl definitely does "better" than digital, in that the silence on vinyl sounds more real (to me, anyway).
An interesting off-topic here. I can relate as I often associate digital sources resulting in more immediate truncation of the notes. Does this result in more "observed" silence between the notes from the digital source? ..... because the notes exhibited by the analog source carry on a bit longer? I also find this longer-note-follow-through portrayed by the Aesthetix Io and Callisto more than other phono and line stages I have heard in my system. It will be interesting to hear how the Aria WV performs in this key area.