What replacement cartridge for BSR Quanta 400?

I am eagerly awaiting delivery of my Supratek Chenin preamp, and am looking to tune up my old BSR Quanta 400 turntable while I wait. I eventually plan to get a VPI TT, but until then, the BSR will have to do. It's in great shape, since I've been out of vinyl since the mid-80s (I know, shame on me!), and it's been in storage, but I think I'll replace the drive belt, and upgrade the stock cartridge (the one it had when I bought it way back in the late 70's). I can't wait to hear vinyl sounds coming from my Zu Druids. I would appreciate any suggestions regarding an appropriate replacement cartridge. I'm looking for something that's very good, but not out of line for the quality of the BSR. Thanks in advance.
i would go with a quality mm like grado(gold) or high output mc sumiko bluepoint 2.
Dear Ait: I agree with Viridian. The BSR tonearm " likes " a high compliance cartridge, the 103 is a low compliance one and it is not the best match.

You could go for the Ortofon, Audio Technica, Empire and maybe a Grado. You don't have to go for an entry MM cartridge you could buy a good one that you can use it ( too ) when you up-grade your TT/tonearm, in this way you could enjoy the music today and tomorrow.

The MM cartridges are really good and many of them outperform the MC counterparts and in many ways compete " bis a bis " with the best MC ones.

Btw, right now you can buy through e-bay a remote control for your BSR TT: take a look.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Ait: Goldring and Shure could be very good options, too.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks for all the replies. I think I'm going to go with the Ortofon Super OM 40 ($239.00 at Jack's Music Factory).
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