What replacement cartridge for BSR Quanta 400?

I am eagerly awaiting delivery of my Supratek Chenin preamp, and am looking to tune up my old BSR Quanta 400 turntable while I wait. I eventually plan to get a VPI TT, but until then, the BSR will have to do. It's in great shape, since I've been out of vinyl since the mid-80s (I know, shame on me!), and it's been in storage, but I think I'll replace the drive belt, and upgrade the stock cartridge (the one it had when I bought it way back in the late 70's). I can't wait to hear vinyl sounds coming from my Zu Druids. I would appreciate any suggestions regarding an appropriate replacement cartridge. I'm looking for something that's very good, but not out of line for the quality of the BSR. Thanks in advance.
Dear Ait: I agree with Viridian. The BSR tonearm " likes " a high compliance cartridge, the 103 is a low compliance one and it is not the best match.

You could go for the Ortofon, Audio Technica, Empire and maybe a Grado. You don't have to go for an entry MM cartridge you could buy a good one that you can use it ( too ) when you up-grade your TT/tonearm, in this way you could enjoy the music today and tomorrow.

The MM cartridges are really good and many of them outperform the MC counterparts and in many ways compete " bis a bis " with the best MC ones.

Btw, right now you can buy through e-bay a remote control for your BSR TT: take a look.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Ait: Goldring and Shure could be very good options, too.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks for all the replies. I think I'm going to go with the Ortofon Super OM 40 ($239.00 at Jack's Music Factory).
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Whatever you choose, keep an eye on the output voltage. the Chenin has a very flexible gain structure, but I would stay away from high output carts. Anything at 2.5 mV or up will overload the phono stage and result in a disappointing experience. I would avoid MM's altogether as Mick voices the phono stage for MC. It can drive even the lowest output MCs, but seems to function best in the .25 - .8mV range. If you are looking for a temporary solution, look for a used Dynavector 20X (low or high output). It's considered to be a "medium" compliance cart, and even the high output version is within the tolerance of the gain settings on the Chenin. IMHO an MM, any MM, with the Chenin would be a mistake.