VAC Phono in Avatar Super

I have a VAC Avatar Super with a phono stage that has 42 db of gain. I have a Benz Glider High Output cartridge at 2.5mV. The documentation says it is appropriate with phono stages with gain of 40db or more and I asked VAC about it before I purchased. I have to use more volume than with my CDP and at higher volumes there is a background hum that is noticeable in quiet passages. VAC sells an external MC step-up network that plugs into the MM input that I think is like $900. Given that I have a high output cart, would the VAC step-up be a mismatch? Would I be better off going with a seperate phono stage? Different cartridge? Any and all advice appreciated.
The VAC step up is $600. Have you tested the phono tubes? Could possibly have a noisy tube in the phono stage.

If the tube is not the problem, the step up would probably lower the noise floor.

A step up would provide too much gain.
Suggest John's guidance be followed, or contact VAC.
Divo's probably right (unless this stepup is only 5db or so).

A stepup would also lower the impedance seen by the cartridge. Tonal balance might be significantly altered, yielding reduced HF's and/or heavier bass.
Dear Maineiac: +++++ " Given that I have a high output cart, would the VAC step-up be a mismatch? " +++++

Any step-up transformer is a mismatch for the quality sound reproduction on any preamp: always do a degradation to the signal.

As a fact your VAC was designed more for MM cartridges than for HO MC ones.
Now, out there there are several great MM cartridges that outperform the cartridge that you own ( for less dollars ) and many others MC top " names ". Look for: Goldring, Ortofon, Audio Technica, Shure, Music maker, Clearaudio, etc, etc.

I can asure you that you will be really happy with the MM cartridge.

Regards and enjoy the music.