ZYX Universe silver vs copper

OK friends. I need help. I have read some of the other posts regarding the silver vs copper. Now after people have had more time with their ZYX'x, are the conclussions still the same?.

I have Teres 360, Schroeder DPS, EAR 834p (highly modified), Placcette passive, Atma-Sphere MA1, Coincident Total Victory ll.

Question?. With the EAR and the A-S, would the copper be too romantic?. What are the benefits of the Silver?. I listen to every thing but classical. Lots of female vocals, jazz, rock, pop.
I have the UNI with copper coils and am very happy with it. I haven't tried the silver coils but it's my understanding the copper coils are more neutral while the silver coils add warmth ala Koetsu.

Rcupka is correct, you've got it backwards. The copper UNIverse has more lifelike leading edge transients. More jump.

The silver rolls off leading edges almost like a Koetsu woodbody. It sounds more relaxed and smoothed.

I'm not familiar with your electronics, but on a Schroeder I'd expect the silver UNIverse would be noticeably on the warm side of neutral.
Just wondering, would the same be true for the rest of the Zyx line in choosing between copper and silver?
I have found the exact opposite qualities with the Airy3.
I preferred the Cu in terms of naturalness.