Capacitors in line with TT motor - Upgrade?

I am doing some major upgrades to a 25 year old BSR turntable, such as going to a MC cartridge, rewiring the tonearm with Cardas wire, adding mass to the platter, replacing the flimsy plastic base with a massive (40 LB) plastic block, removing the motor from the sub-chassis mount and attaching it instead to the massive base, etc. When I pulled the motor out, I noticed it had two capacitors in circuit with it, a 5000pF ceramic, and a 1.5 uF cap made of hard white epoxy-looking material (not sure what type it is). Would it be a good idea to replace these with new caps? Would upgrading the quality make any difference to the motor's performance? Any help is appreciated.
Honestly very little, unless your motor speed or something seems to struggle... Does not have direct bearing on the actual audio signal, just how the power is regulated to the motor.. I would say it could be a waste if it is working fine, if not I would still not go to some kinda audio costly quality cap, but you could replace if you want. But I could be wrong, my table has a isolated motor that simply has nothing to do with the turntable accept turning the belt at perfect speed, beyond that it does not Hum or cause any ill effect, so if it makes noise or does not run smooth then I guess you could freshen the caps.
The motor does vibrate a bit when running, so I will probably replace the caps and see if that helps. I am isolating the motor from the sub-chassis in order to minimize vibration, so I might as well go a little further and get new caps.
It's a 25 year old BSR!!!! Do what you want with it as it was never much of a TT and anything you can get from it (either in performance or fiddling) is worth a try.
"Does not have direct bearing on the actual audio signal, just how the power is regulated to the motor"
That's classic.