Polypropylene as a Turntable Base Material

I have a large block (19" x 16" x 21/2") of high density polypropylene (PP), which I plan to use to make a base for a turntable I'm building. It must weigh 30-40 lbs based on feel. I found the following on the web regarding PP:

Polypropylene's "natural harmonic" is at a very low frequency of 125 to 150 Hz. The normal "problem hearing range" is 1,000 to 3,000 Hz. Therefore, the material's natural harmonic is far below the "problem hearing range." The nature of sound is that the lower the frequency, the greater amount of energy is required for the sound to be heard. To quantify the difference, the amount of energy required for a 50-Hz noise to be noticed is 1 million times that required for a 3000-Hz noise.

Based on this information (from a manufacturer of boats who uses PP materials in construction), I think PP may be a very good material to use for a turntable base. It is a viscoelastic thermoplastic polymer, and should thus have good sound absorption properties. Has anyone here ever experimented with PP? I see a lot of acrylic turntable bases and platters, but none from PP. Why?
You shouldn't have any problem with noise transfer through the polypro, but it will change shape and size with changes in temperature and relative humidity. It also has a tendency to warp. It is also difficult to cut or mill accurately because of this.

You can minimize the warp with additional curing. Check with manufacturer or extruder. This material will kick butt in the midrange-bass area with a huge soundstage.

Acrylic is a joke compared to it. Turntable manufacturers can't be bothered with the time/expense in machining the material plus the stability under temperature is its main weakness.

Would you recommend bolting the subchassis directly to the PP Base, or suspending it above the base on springs? The motor will be isolated from the base in a separate mount.
PP seems like an intriguing possibility for a TT base material. But I have some questions/comments about a few of the statements in your threadhead. Maybe you don't know the answers any more than I do and are only repeating what this boat maker says, but...

What is a "natural harmonic", as inherent to a particular material? Maybe I'm ignorant, but this sounds like more of a metaphysical than scientific concept to me. Two objects made from the same material can have very different fundamental resonance frequencies, depending on their form and size.

Also, who defined the "problem hearing range" -- what does that mean, and why? The human ear is sensitive in the 1-3KHz range, but it's also very sensitive in the range occupied by the human speaking voice, which is lower.

And I don't understand the relevence of the point about lower frequencies "requiring" more energy to sound equally loud as higher frequencies. Concerning resonance, if playing a record produces energy at frequencies at which the TT resonates, then it seems to me that's what will happen, as dictated by the amplitude of the exciting frequency and the Q vs. damping of the resonant system. I guess that ideally nothing about the turntable would resonate within the audioband, but that isn't achievable, and for something the size and rigidity of a TT base, I don't think a fundamental resonance as low as 50Hz is possible. If you could do it, the main advantage it seems to me would be that the RIAA curve demphasizes lower frequencies cut on the record (and boosts higher ones), but I don't know how the curve actually intersects with the realistic range of resonances present in TT's.