What TT upgrade from tweaked Thorens TD160

I have a tweaked Thorens TD160 - birch-ply base board with Black Diamond cone feet; Dynamat on subchassis, platter and wood plinth; Herbies TT mat; RCA outputs and upgraded interconnects - which makes the TD sound pretty good. The problem is that the suspended subchassis design makes it extremely vulnerable to vibration on my rack and so I must place it in a very inconvenient location resulting in my not using it very much any more. I'd like to go back to a non-suspended design - my former Music Hall MMF5 had no problems on my rack but the MMF5 was significantly outperformed by the TD160.
The question is:
How much am I going to have to spend - new or used - to beat the TD160 and what brands/models are recommended?? I'd like to keep the cost under $1000.
Ag insider logo xs@2xjgiacalo
Hi...if you are looking for a new home for the TD 160, I'd be interested. Thanks.

you are replacing a classic....some the best used tables for under 1k are the oracle paris or alexandria, the rega 25, vpi jr........you will have no trouble selling your thorens
Actually, I'm kinda reluctant to sell the 160. If I could solve the jiggle problem I'd be happy. Right now I have it sitting on the window ledge of a bay window behind my component rack and althought the setting eliminates the jiggling it is a very inconvenient location. A wall mount bracket is out since the window is in the way and the wall becide the window is directly behind my speakers. Although the back of speakers are about 30" out from the wall and there is room for a walmount shelf. I think the bass energy back there would be detrimental to the TT.

I'm seriously tempted to rip up the carpet and plywood underfloor then brace the floor joists to the cement floor below - only a few feet at most since this room is an addition built over the former garage floor. But, I'd like a simpler solution and I suspect that while the bracint will help, it probably will not completely solve the problem. If I can't find a good anti'jiggle solution the TD will have to go. Soulbass, give me your email and I'll contact you if I decide to sell - but probably not for a few months yet.
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I'd be willing to try defeating the springs; shouldn't be difficult and of course, reversable. Will that have a detrimental effect on the table's pperformance?