SME 20/2 SME V or Triplanar VII?

I'm in the process of acquiring an SME 20/2 and I would like to know others' thoughts and experiences with deciding whether to arm it with the SME V or the Triplanar VII.
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Sirspeedy is correct - synergy of arm and table is everything. Given that you are getting a 20/2, I would get an SME V - with MCS 150 silver internal wiring, not the stock wiring; and a good phono cable, not the stock one. Unless I am mistaken, no one posting on this thread has compared the SME V and Triplanar arms on an SME table.

Excellent question/suggestion re: arm/cartridge matching. We should have asked that earlier.


Thanks for the update on the SME Vd with azimuth-adjustable headshell. That seems like an excellent solution, which I was unaware of. (The two SME V's I am familiar with, from friend's systems, do not have this.)

Drilling out the headshell holes (by hand) is a reasonable accommodation, though I'd prefer to use a hole-sized bit and expand them *only* longitudinally and not laterally. If TriPlanar owners can fiddle with sandpaper and O-rings (per my "Tips" thread) I don't know why SME owners can't fiddle with a drill bit!

Perfect sound forever, anyone? ;-)

P.S. SirSpeedy is right about the "free" feeling of the TP while hand cueing. It feels like I imagine how zero G would feel. There's so little resistance in any direction it's kind of scary at first.
Wow! Polishing with emery paper and sliding on some O-ring vs. expanding holes, even by hand. Regardless of tonearms, that's quite a bit of difference in tweaks. And there is still the question of VTA. Brings to mind the Vector, but then there is VTA, and soon VTF, from Basis.

So, how does one measure synergy?
Well, guys, now that the issue of the cartridge has been introduced into the equation - as well it should at this point - my cartridge shortlist is only 2: the Zyx Universe or the Dynavector XV1S.

After reading all your posts, thinking about it and discussing the matter with the the guy I'm buying the 20/2 from and the guys at SRA (split decision between them), I am still leaning toward the Triplanar over the SME V.

How does the choice of cartridge influence your thoughts?

I have heard both the UNIverse and XV1-s in my system on the same arm on the same weekend with the same music. I clearly prefer the UNIverse to the XV-1s with no slight to the XV-1s (a great cartridge and great value).
The XV-1s is a bit more dynamic and more punchy in the bass, but for me the UNIverse is clearly preferable.
The UNIverse does it all and is heavenly musical. The only cartridge I would prefer over the UNIverse would be the Lyra / Olympus ($ 10,000.00), but I have not heard the Koetsu Tiger Eye. I greatly prefer the UNIverse to the Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum (which I own).
Let us know which way you go and how it turns out for you.