TIME to break in a Denon 103R

Can anyone offer their experience on how many hours it takes to fully break in a Denon 103R cartridge ?
My Denon DL-103D took about 75 hours to fully break in after it was retipped, for what it's worth.
The Denon 103R actually belongs to a friend who does not go on Audiogon that often. We were guessing at how long his new 103R would take to break in and I decided to ask the cognoscenti on Audiogon to share their experiences.
I have been wanting to get one for educational / back-up purposes. I have always heard that it is one of the best values in cartridges.
I was expecting some sort of flack for my post....thanks for not disappointing me (I was more expecting it to be Raul or Dr. Deacon).
I really like the 103R, even though mine developed some kind of issue where it will issue a pop from the left channel, maybe twice per LP side. What do you want from a $240 cartridge? I've thought about replacing it, but I'd probably go with the lower priced ZYX based on what I've heard.

"cognoscenti" ? Does that mean a**hole? Now, that I can identify with! :)


Could the 1203 be the best VALUE of all time?Some might say the Shure is at $300 but is no longer being sld.But it's the one I suggest to anybody who is not an audiophile.Really cheap I'd go for Grado but the 103R is such a venerable product it's reassuring it's till there.