TIME to break in a Denon 103R

Can anyone offer their experience on how many hours it takes to fully break in a Denon 103R cartridge ?
"Cognoscenti" - those in the know, a Connoisseur.
Does that moniker fit you (your wife's opinion not required here) ?
Interesting post and also the first time I have heard a comment that the 103 would cause record damage.
Can anyone else weigh in here to confirm / dispel Psychicanimal’s Theory ?
Psychic et al:


The Denon is no more likely to cause wear than any other cartridge properly aligned. Given equal improper alignment, other stylus profiles are more likely to do much greater damage.
Larry, I though the idea was to shorten my moniker? :)

p=f/s, yep. So a surface area of 1.6 u will actually result in a lower pressure. But that is not the real story which is not necessarily total surface are but rather where the contact surface area is in the groove. I agree that there is a big difference in sound between riding higher in the groove vs. getting down deeper to the surfaces at the bottom of the groove walls. That is a completely different issue to claims of vinyl damage.

Tell your friend that for a Denon 103 (or 103R) on a Rega, Twl's HIFI mod is an absolute must.

$5 and 30 minutes will turn his $400 arm into a $1000 one. I've done it. It works.
