Tampa Bay Area Audiogoners


Are there any other A'goners out there from the Tampa Bay area?

Ag insider logo xs@2xcipherjuris
Hi guys,

I have not checked into this thread in a while. Its nice to see there are some real audiophiles in the Tampa Bay Area after all.

Blindjim we live in the same zip code, so we must not be far away. You have a very nice system.

Ray, your system looks like it rocks.

Kevin, you sound as though you have put a toe into the audio waters and liked what you felt!

Let's hear more from you guys.

Fellow Tampa Bay audiophiles... as posted previously, check out the Tampa Bay Listening Society. We have monthly meetings, plus LOTS of smaller scale listening sessions/gear swapping arranged between members. Our Website and Forum are still under development, but activity and membership is growing. Check out our Forum at...

Sign up, introduce yourself, and join the fun!
Oops, the TBLS Forum link above got truncated. Here is the complete link...
Just a reminder that the Tampa Bay Listening Society is alive and well, and has a new and improved website... www.thetbls.com

The forum is now up and running, and we'll be incorporating it with the full website shortly. The TBLS meets the FIRST Tues of every month, and various members hold informal listening sessions from time to time. If you live in the Tampa Bay area, check us out!
FYI, just realized this old thread should be updated. The Tampa Bay Listening Society is alive and thriving, with a new Website/Forum... www.thetbls.com

For those of you in the Tampa Bay area (even Bradenton and Sarasota), check us out!