Tranfiguration Orpheus description

This is the first detailed description I've seen of the new Transfiguration Orpheus:

Anyone run across other info?

Nsgarsh,I promised myself I would not go overboard in posting on this thread.As I always do.I'm getting a bit self conscious about how I seem to go a bit over the top,when I get enthusiastic about stuff.
As to the "damn good" Venustas....yes it was in "this" set-up that the phono cable was originally squashed by the A/B comparison with the IC-70(not a cable coming for free with the Graham arms,as you now know).Truthfully,it has broken in big time,and we heard this a few weeks before the "O" came.
My friend is "rediculous" about long break-in(he actually has an extensive "log",where he writes down all cable/component hours.C'mon!!.I'm sure he,like you,is correct about that parameter,but I am too impatient,and simply play my music,and let break in take it's rightful time to happen.
BTW,I totally forgot to check the "O",in the loading areas.We,previously checked the "V" many times,over two years,and though 60,and 100 ohms were nice and relaxed,the frequency extremes were superior with 47!Dynamics,and stage as well.This is probably system dependant,but I do feel better,hearing Aoliviero's comments.If I had screwed up Friday's session and not gotten good sound at 47,I would have forced myself to go back this week.
I WILL definitely check this,next month,when I re-visit him.In the meantime,I'm starting my Orpheus fund!!!!

thanks for your response. I will have to try the higher VTF and the lower loading that Nsgarch suggests. By the way, I was afraid my comparison to CD' would likely be controverstial. I tried to say this in a positive way. I think Fremer may have said the same thing. Wasn't try to copy..only my impression. anyway, the O is clearly bvetter than CD playback. Even my 40 Grado was.

By the way, I'm up north and plan to do a comparison of the O to the Zyx Universe at Dougdeacon's place this Wednesday. We'll try it at 200 ohms and !~2g of VTF.

Stay tuned...

Andrew -- I'd love to be an audiophile fly on the wall at that pow wow. Better not say anything about it to Mehran @ Sorasound just yet ;--)

Speedy, RE the 47 ohm setting for the O: from all my polling of folks with Trannies (not yet the O of course) I've noticed that they all seem to settle on a load just a bit shy of the optimum theoretical load for their particular cartridge. I've been running at exactly the optimum for my W, but I'm going to drop it a bit and see what happens. I'll let you know.
Andrew,you are going to Doug,this Wednesday for a Univ vs Orpheus shootout!!!!!!!C'mon,man!
Please make sure one of the judges is not paid off.A'la Don King style.-:)
Just kidding!

Andrew, and/or Doug, please fill us all in on the cartridge comparisons. Make sure Paul is there, I trust his ears! Doug's ears I'm not so sure about. Just kidding, Doug! I don't know if you've heard Doug's system before. If not I can safely say that you guys will have no trouble picking up on the differences.

Sorry to drift OT just a bit, but what Mark described with the Venustas sounds exactly what I hear from that model IC and speaker cable before break-in. Albert warned me that I'd probably mumble dirty things about these cables for the first 100 hours or so. After that they really start to mellow and blossom.