Well, it is not a Fray.
What we have here is a failure to communicate.
Doug was foolish enough to listen to me when we talked before he posted his notes here when I said, you should go ahead and write what you heard and observed. It is the right thing to do. People will benefit from your (and Pauls) honest and astute observations. Dont worry about those who will think you are prejudiced towards the UNIverse.
Reality is: Doug was not going to write his observations because he assumed that he would get flamed for judging the O unfairly because of the perception that he is blinded by his passion for the UNIverse. Doug does prefer the Universe to any other cartridge he has heard to date (except the Lyra Olympus), can hear, has an extremely resolving system, is honest, can defend himself without any of my help, is always trying to help others along the way towards Audio Nirvana, and does not deserve to have the insinuations that he is anything but honest and non biased.
We all know that this was not a perfect comparison of the O and the Universe and Doug stated as much. The O was not nearly broken in and there was limited time to do set ups and comparisons. I am sure that Doug would want the UNIverse to be better than the O since he has invested in the UNIverse and just as likely, for the same reasons Andrew would have loved for the O to outshine the Universe. But, here you have Doug and Andrew trying to share their experiences for the benefit of all and we have the cynics out in force casting stones.
Given the circumstances, we all received some honest and insightful observations from Doug and Andrew that have some value. Could there be more clarity if repeated with a fully broken in O again with some tinkering with set ups and loading ? Sure, and it may happen someday if Andrew is has another business trip sometime in the future and has the time and inclination.
Sirspeedy, I think you owe Doug an apology for:
It's great to love one's stuff, but, sorry, the dice seemed loaded before the shootout! and If only you could not have been so wooden, and assumed "more could probably be had".
. Doug put a lot of effort into hosting and then sharing his honest opinions and deserves better than your snide comments. Once again ..think before you write/post. You might, as I have suggested twice before to you to compose off line, read it again and ask yourself; Do I really want to post this ?
There was a lot of time invested in doing the comparisons and writing up their observations. How willing do you think Doug, Andrew or others will be in the future to share this type of experience with all of us if they can always count on getting flamed for posting what they observed? If you have not compared both an O and a UNIverse in your system and dont have the opportunity to do so, how about being grateful to a couple of guys who went out of their way to share with us.
If Andrew and Doug do another comparison sometime, I hope they will still think it is worth sharing their experience with us again.
Thanks, Doug / Thanks, Andrew
What we have here is a failure to communicate.
Doug was foolish enough to listen to me when we talked before he posted his notes here when I said, you should go ahead and write what you heard and observed. It is the right thing to do. People will benefit from your (and Pauls) honest and astute observations. Dont worry about those who will think you are prejudiced towards the UNIverse.
Reality is: Doug was not going to write his observations because he assumed that he would get flamed for judging the O unfairly because of the perception that he is blinded by his passion for the UNIverse. Doug does prefer the Universe to any other cartridge he has heard to date (except the Lyra Olympus), can hear, has an extremely resolving system, is honest, can defend himself without any of my help, is always trying to help others along the way towards Audio Nirvana, and does not deserve to have the insinuations that he is anything but honest and non biased.
We all know that this was not a perfect comparison of the O and the Universe and Doug stated as much. The O was not nearly broken in and there was limited time to do set ups and comparisons. I am sure that Doug would want the UNIverse to be better than the O since he has invested in the UNIverse and just as likely, for the same reasons Andrew would have loved for the O to outshine the Universe. But, here you have Doug and Andrew trying to share their experiences for the benefit of all and we have the cynics out in force casting stones.
Given the circumstances, we all received some honest and insightful observations from Doug and Andrew that have some value. Could there be more clarity if repeated with a fully broken in O again with some tinkering with set ups and loading ? Sure, and it may happen someday if Andrew is has another business trip sometime in the future and has the time and inclination.
Sirspeedy, I think you owe Doug an apology for:
It's great to love one's stuff, but, sorry, the dice seemed loaded before the shootout! and If only you could not have been so wooden, and assumed "more could probably be had".
. Doug put a lot of effort into hosting and then sharing his honest opinions and deserves better than your snide comments. Once again ..think before you write/post. You might, as I have suggested twice before to you to compose off line, read it again and ask yourself; Do I really want to post this ?
There was a lot of time invested in doing the comparisons and writing up their observations. How willing do you think Doug, Andrew or others will be in the future to share this type of experience with all of us if they can always count on getting flamed for posting what they observed? If you have not compared both an O and a UNIverse in your system and dont have the opportunity to do so, how about being grateful to a couple of guys who went out of their way to share with us.
If Andrew and Doug do another comparison sometime, I hope they will still think it is worth sharing their experience with us again.
Thanks, Doug / Thanks, Andrew