Tranfiguration Orpheus description

This is the first detailed description I've seen of the new Transfiguration Orpheus:

Anyone run across other info?

I will assume that the "O" has the same stylus and rake angle as the Temper. This requires the VTA to be set differently than most other MC. The tonearm should be a fraction lower at the headshell. Just the opposite of what the typical MC requires. No observation of the sound quality of the "O" is valid if the VTA is set incorrectly. And there is no way around this VTA requirement. It must be set like this, any other setting will degrade performace. Please read the Transfiguration instrution booklet and follow it precisely. Top Transfiguration cartridges do not sound as Doug desribed. The desription Larryi has written is quite spot on.
Well, I mis-spoke and lead you guys in the wrong direction. I meant to refer to the angle of the tonearm as being tail down and not the actual VTA. Sorry to be inaccurate in my postings.

Andrew, you have absolutely nothing to appologize for!

Ya' know, that is a funny thing about posting on the net. We don't have the benefit of vocal tone inflections as well as hand and facial expressions. I really think that makes this whole blogging phenom quite a difficult communications challenge.

Then again you have folks popping by who take great pleasure in drive by pot shot postings.

And then you have the smooth talking, smarmy bastards that want to piss down your back and tell you it's raining.

Best to all,

Dear friends: As the " actors " of this controversial cartridge test post/posted about the situation has more fail and misunderstanding, example: Doug post that the O set up was made with the usually " VTA madness " that he likes and in other post Andrew told us: +++++ " we did not make large enough changes( speaking of VTA ) to evaluate the cartridge with a parallele...." +++++

Between other things that Doug or Andrew mentioned is how they match the volume gain for every time that they change the volume gain with each cartridge this volume gain was exactly for both cartridges due to its different output.
This subject is extreme critical because any small difference in the SPL is detected for our ears/brain and that small SPL difference could give us not small changes in the frequency response that could alter in a very sensitive way the sound perception.
Other issue that is related with the changes in the volume gain setting is that normally almost all the preamps change its frequency response when change the volume pot position and this alter the quality sound reproduction for both cartridges but in different way. Here the designer could explain us about in the Doug's unit.

I think that Doug don't read yet what I aked him: the inverse RIAA eq. deviation from 20 to 20kHz in his unit, this is extremly critical especially with top cartridges like the O and U. Here again I ask to the designer for he can give us his unit info: important!! ( It's curious that Mr. Doshi don't comes yet to this thread when we need very important information about his unit and for understand better what happen with this controversial cartridge test. I'm saying this because I read posts of Mr. Doshi in other lesser threads. )

All these subjects ( including others that I posted here ) are important and are related with what Larryi posted: +++++ " I really can't see how any phono component can be evaluated other than as part of an evaluation of the complete system " +++++ and Larryi if you don't mind: not only a phono component but any audio device.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Friends: Sorry for sentence mistake: " Between other things that Doug or Andrew mentioned ", it should be: not mentioned.
" yet what I aked him: ", will be: asked him.

Hi Raul,

I am responding to you because part of me does believe that you are genuinely interested in helping to sort out the missing pieces to this puzzle.

I have conversed with Nick recently regarding other things completely removed from this thread. He is pretty busy these days with his main line of work. I don't happen to have the specs you are asking for either. But I don't think it is anymore "curious" that Nick hasn't responded than it is that Jim White, or Mr. Hagerman or any builder has ever responded to any thread as full of speculation as this thread is.

Be safe and happy,
