Thanks for the response,Doug.I truly,was not "fishing" for one,and you demonstrate your "uniqueness",by responding.As far as I am concerned,there will ONLY be harmonic discourse,in the future.
I just could not have let much time go by,without making some kind of gesture.Sure,you surprised me,with the E-mail(actually,I was shocked),but there was a disingenuousness,on my part,to bring it on.I'd be happy to buy you(and Paul) a nice "cheap" glass of wine,should you attend the Stereophile show,in May.
I DO "SO" like to be a bit provacotive,in some posts,but PLEASE,don't anyone ever take me SO,SO,SO seriously!!!I am simply a hobbyist/music lover,like you and many others.Never any malice,in my posts!!Never long grudges,either! :-)
BTW---Nsgarsh....You are a "mensch"!
I just could not have let much time go by,without making some kind of gesture.Sure,you surprised me,with the E-mail(actually,I was shocked),but there was a disingenuousness,on my part,to bring it on.I'd be happy to buy you(and Paul) a nice "cheap" glass of wine,should you attend the Stereophile show,in May.
I DO "SO" like to be a bit provacotive,in some posts,but PLEASE,don't anyone ever take me SO,SO,SO seriously!!!I am simply a hobbyist/music lover,like you and many others.Never any malice,in my posts!!Never long grudges,either! :-)
BTW---Nsgarsh....You are a "mensch"!