Tranfiguration Orpheus description

This is the first detailed description I've seen of the new Transfiguration Orpheus:

Anyone run across other info?

I had an Orpheus in my system for about three weeks (loan from a friend), and I've heard it in two other systems I know very well. In all of these systems, this is a terrific cartridge. It sounds much more lively and engaging than the Temper W (a cartridge I do not really like because it sounds a touch lifeless).

As far as tonal balance, it sounds a bit more midrange prominent than my Titan, and perhaps has a bit less "air" or openness on top than the Titan, but, overall, they both are great sounding cartridges.
This is a thread that I did not want to see come back,as I feel I was an instigator of bad judjement/feelings,but amybe I can aid,with some decent info.
The trade on the Orpheus,from a Temper is 2550.There is a guy(Nsgarsh knows how to get in touch with him,as I have no web info here)who sells grey market Orpheus for 2700 dollars.He is supposedly very reputable,but you have NO warrantee.It is your decision to go this route.
The Temper-V,which I own(a good friend has a Graham Phantom/Orpheus)can stand up to the Orpheus(it is not "lifeless",to me)but is "clearly", slightly, bettered in almost ALL meaningful parameters.A big deal,if you have a very hi res set-up.
I really believe the Titan(another pal has one)is a great design,and I have heard it TONS of times on a huge assortment of wonderful vinyl.
YET,the number of choices are SO,SO good(UNI/XV1-S/Colibri/Allaerts/Air Tight etc)that to me,it should come down to what is the best match to your arm,AND what is the best financial arrangement one can make.
Best to all!
I am in total agreement with you. I have a "W" and absolutely love it. Lifeless?????? Far from it!! Also, it mates extremely well with my Basis/Vector combo and is very musical to my ears through my Klipschorns.

I think I'll pass on a non-warrantied Orpheus. Just too much money to take the chance IMO. When the time comes, I'll trade in my Temper (reluctantly) and stick with the folks I purchased it from initially. Besides, they'll come to my house and set it up for me. Not that I can't do it myself but I'm a tad lazy and also enjoy spinning records with anyone willing to join me, even if I'm paying for the privilege ;)