Need a list of TT with arms and motors seperate

I've been thinking of upgrading sometime in the future from my VPI SuperScout Master. I thought to my self that if I ever do it has t be a TT with their motor and arm completely seperate from the plinth. Any suggestion out there?? One that comes to mind is the RED POINT.
A previous response hasn't made it yet (or so it seems for the moment).

After some consideration, I was going to add what Dan_ed said about the armpods coupling with the platform so why bother. But he did so I won't :^)

The "easy" answer to the question of low bearing noise TTs would be TTs without a "physical" bearing. That might include the Platine Verdier and air-bearing tables (Forsell Air, Micro Seiki SX-5000 and SX-8000 and I am sure there are others). Others might be able to give you more qualified expertise as regards TTs with "physical" bearings.
Dear Justubes: A very good alternative could be Acoustic Signature, especially the Mambo model.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hi, the Micro Seiki RX-1500 has a serarate pod for the arm. As far as quiet bearings, i don't think anything is as quiet as a Well Tempered TT
Look at Amazon Model 1 or Reference... Separate motor, battery powered and thread belt. The bearing is serious.
Is a magnetic bearing really vibration free
(or silent)? Think about holding two strong magnets close to eachother so they are repelling. Move one slightly and the other one will move. The same will happen in a bearing. Two repelling magnets are not at all isolated from eachother. They are actually quite coupled. Friction, though, will be low.