Benz Ruby 2 vs Ruby 3

I am about to buy a Ruby 2 M and was wondering if anyone has A/B the 2 and 3. The Gon member I am buying from said that the 2 is better sounding than the 3. Any thoughts?.
Voyd TT
Soon to be Heilus tonearm
All Audio Note system

Other carts in consideration
Zyx 3
Dear Carlos: The AN IO cartridges, including the Kondo ones, were build by AN, I don't know if today those cartridges are build from other source like the Lyras and some other cartridges.

I don't know too which AN tonearm are you talking about but the AN tonearms does not " looks " like the Rega one.

Cartridges and tonearms are very diferent audio devices than amps and Dacs.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Raul:
I think we were both half right as i,ve just checked AN website and yes two out of three models are made by Rega:
"The Tone-Arms
The Audio Note Arm I and Arm II are the result of a collaboration between Audio Note and Rega Research.
Arm I is a respecified Rega Research RB250 arm that is wired internally with Audio Note copper wire and the leadout wire is the highly respected AN~A copper Litz construction. This marriage of technologies between Audio Note and Rega Research has created a budget tone arm without peers at its price.
The Audio Note Arm II is also a culmination of ideas between Audio Note and Rega Research. In this tone arm we have reworked the acclaimed Rega RB300 by internally wiring the arm with AN~AI, a pure silver conductor of the highest quality. The lead out wire is AN~V which is a 99.99% pure silver 15 strand Litz construction interconnect cable. Once again our objective has been to create the finest value for money."
As far as the their reference arm as you say is probably AN own manufacture and yes it looks very diffrent from the Regas:"The AN-1s
An elegant beast hand made in very low volume."
I agree with you that "Cartridges and tonearms are very diferent audio devices than amps and Dacs." , it just seems to me that AN is sort of a "cult" concept or audio philosophy, and most of the time is either love it or hate it. Best wishes, Carlos
Dear Gary: When I refer to the AN tonearm I'm speaking of the AN-1s model.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I am not really sure, but I think, the Ruby 3 has a shorter Cantilever ( or needle?). Anyway, the Benz Systems are good to listen to. I prefer them more than others, but they all have one in common: I always 'rated' my records with them ( ... good sounding, nice voice, audiophile grade etc. ).
I changed to different systems.
But listening to Voices, it's a class of it's own, no doubt.
Any thoughts about the Cardas Heart, newer or older, which is/was essentially a Ruby with a few holes drilled in the body?