I've found the cd player for analog lovers

I'm the guy who said on Audiogon, "When is digital going to get the soul of music?". Let me just say that I've found the digital player that rivals or beats analog. No, it is not $40,000. Please read me on my thread! I do believe that there is much variability with cd's. So not all cd's are created equally. The player in question is APL Hi-Fi's Denon 3910. I've found that volume is really critical. Alex voiced his player while comparing it to analog. Let me just tell you that I used to get tense from cd. I'm not saying that all cd's will sound great. For instance, my friend bought a cd from Walmart that was Van Morrison's greatest hits. It was hard to listen to through the digital haze to the music on Alex's $19,000(not your price)cd player.
Warrenh, are you a Scorpio? You are very suspicious. When I asked for cd's and records that you would advise, I did it to get possible exposure to music that I might appreciate. You may have asked an extremely insightful and reasonable question here. Let me just answer that question with my integrity. Think about it. I'm the guy who asked, "When is digital going to get the soul of music". I also have a $10,000(circa 1992) turntable setup. Also, look at my reviews of Alex's 3910 before the recent upgrade. What would be your conclusion after looking at these facts? If you are looking for the price of this APL Denon 3910, I don't know. I suspect that it is under $3500-maybe approaching $2500? I do suspect that my comment on volume might be more applicable to this new 3910 than to other players. I would need to get some feedback to see if this is true.
Why am I, a cd neophyte(but not a digital neophyte), the one who has to say this? It's about volume(and I thank Hi-Fi Answers for this). When it comes to volume and cd, I'de suggest that if you get digital glare that you lower the volume. You see, volume is not how you think it is. Maybe my APL Hi-Fi Denon 3910 is super-sensitive in this area. Anyway, do not use volume to highlight something that you know is there. How's that? Each disc, or record(with analog, it's not quite critical-in a way) has a certain volume that makes things correct. This may involve compromises. You may know that the highs include something that the correct volume doesn't do justice to.
I don't know if Alex, of APL Hi-Fi is even offering this particular Denon 3910. But, boy, you guys better ask him to. It's that good! Don't you guys realize that I am a skeptic when it comes to digital?