Best cartridge for JMW 12.5 tonearm?

Hi All,

I have a VPI Aries Extended table with a JMW 12.5 tonearm. I would like to have some input on cartridge choice. I would prefer to stick with a MC cartridge, although any and all suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance!
I have a VPI 12.5 tonearm with two armwands. Over the last two years I have used a Benz LP Ebony, a Koetsu Urushi Vermillion, a VdH Colibri XGW, a VdH Colibri XPW, a VdH Condor XGM, a ZYX UNIverse silver wire/silver back, and briefly a Miyabi 47th. All of the cartridges performed very well. The Benz I found to be decent, but nothing exceptional. The person I sold it to has been very happy with it, however. The Urushi has that marvelous midrange, but ultimately I found the cartridge to be colored and sold it. I loved the Colibri XGW but found it to be a bit lacking in bass slam. I then ordered the Condor XGM which had better bass, but loss some of the three dimensional magic of the Colibri. I then had the Colibri remanufactured by VdH switching from gold to platinum coils. This was a significant improvement in smoothness and delicacy. The UNIverse is an outstanding cartridge, though Doug Deacon will tell you the copper wired UNIverse is better than the silver wire. I found the Miyabi to be a little more on the HiFi/detailed side of reality compared to the Colibri and UNIverse.

In my system, I routinely swap the Colibri, UNIverse and Condor in and out of the system. That's the nice thing about the 12.5 - switching armwands takes 5 seconds with another 5 seconds spent to dial in VTA. Though at the moment I have the Condor mounted on a Schroeder Reference, a ZYX mono cartridge mounted on one VPI armwand and the UNIverse mounted on the other.

I have not heard the Titan-i, Allaerts, or Dynvector XV-1s in my system - though I would like to. If you buy the Colibri off the web in Europe, they are much cheaper than the UNIverse.

Of course, it all comes down to personal preferences and until you hear the cartridge in your system over an extended period of time you really won't know what your preferences are. I bought the LP Ebony, Urushi, and Colibri used off of the web. I sold the LP Ebony and Urushi for almost what I paid for them. The ability to hear these cartridges in my system was well worth the small cost differential.

The UNIverse is an outstanding cartridge, though Doug Deacon will tell you the copper wired UNIverse is better than the silver wire.
Almost. The copper is more to my taste and, perhaps, to the taste of most who've had the opportunity to compare them.

The copper provides cleaner, crisper more lifelike transients, particularly on leading edges. This gives the music a lifelike jump and pace.

The silver slightly burnishes leading edges, which imparts a more relaxed, less physically present tone.

Copper says Po-Tay-Toe, silver says pO-tAH-tOE. ;-)