Tom Evens Groove Plus

i pulled the plug on a groove plus to replace my ear 834p and wanted to hear from other goners on there good or bad experiences with the groove plus, will be using a zyx airy three x sb, on a vpi aires three 10.5i, with a hovland music groove two phono interconnect, thanks mike
My audiophile friend and me did a Phono Stage Comparison between Groove+, Klyne 7 and one I forgot. When we connected the Groove+ after the Klyne we thought both, that we made a fault with interconnects or something like that. Good as it is, but really overhyped.
Btw. Cartridge was UNIverse low output copper, Kuzma Air Line and Graham Phantom.
going to add a few more things i have going on in my system now with the groove+, to try and get the sound i was looking for i was cheating, tracking to light with my airy 3, and not using any damping with my Vpi 10.5i arm, i am sure there are no rules in audio, you try this and that to get to your end, but sometime you wind up off the trail and dont realize it, now tracking a little over two grams the airy is a much better tracker, as far as my ear 834p i had it modded by Mitch, telefunken smooth plates, Herbie's supersonic tube dampers, Black Sand violet z1 power cord, it was a great phono pre but not in the same ball park, i have cream live at Royal Albert Hall playing now and its simply terrific, mike
i also have an audiophile friend who uses a klyne 7 and another who has just bought the new audio research phono amp
we have just finished our comparison using the three cartridges that i currently own
jan allaerts mc1s 11 koetsu 80th anniversary[onix] and ortofon jubilee
the experiment was carried out in my own system through
my newly aquired vibe pulse2 preamp
in this system the groove plus absolutely smashed the other phono amps
and did so with all three cartridges
the thing to understand is this was to be the expected result
in my own system which has been optomised to be as phase flat and as linear as i can manage for my limited funds
the key issue i am trying to state is system synergy
if a groove plus doesn't work spectacularly in a given system the question has to be why not?
the groove plus is so revealing that it does show up any weaknesses in the other equipment
many valve amps struggle with the groove because they thenselves are phase inverting which basicly kills the grooves performance
i personally would not change my groove plus for the world at this moment in time as i now seem to spend so much time
just listening to music
best regards
I'm with ya Uktel.

Phase flat and linear... and a noise floor that is in the basement. I have the Vibe/Pulse/Groove+/LinearA chain transmitting the analog signal through Meadowlark time aligned speakers.

The Tom Evans stuff can be ruthless, but when it works, it will make your chest heavy and stand the hairs up on your neck.
just trying to slam in a pair of linear Bs
absolutely awesome
music does'nt get much better?
the linear a is one of the most revealing amps out there
but sadly the Bs are in existence
god help me