The power quality fluctuates a lot here is the states. That can have a major influence on sound, however, nighttime is usually the best time for good power off of the grid. I am two doors from the main substation for Dallas and it can be hell. The spikes and dips are notorious. I have quit leaving my system on all the time as two of Tom's boxes have been impacted. I now have Isoclean transformers and power filters in line and am working on a new panel and a large in line transformer for the panel. It is amazing how important the quality of power has become for me. Both as a problem (power grid) and a joy (Tom's work). I have heard of the power controller that Tom and Bob have out. Bob is a real analog fan and pioneer. I bought a turntable ring clamp from him a while back. His turntable is quite a feat.
It's amazing thing with the noise floor. the more it drops, the more I am pulled into the music. It's not lava I get out of my speakers, it is almost a vacuum, leaving only the darkness of space and a strong feeling of calm. The calm thing is not something I would expect with rock and roll but it is there. The clarity of each note and the spacial quality of the music places you in the environment of a circa 1970's outdoor concert under the stars.